A strange thing occur to me. When visiting your weblog I always try to find differences between Japan and the Netherlands. Strangely your photo's, except for the Japanese writing, look like they could have been taken here or near in Europe.
We do not have the electricity wires, but in Belgium and France you see them often. The ground here is very soft, so cables can be put underground.
The sky with planes is very familiar for us. We live under a very busy airway routes (to the UK and South Europe).
Hello 山猿,
A strange thing occur to me. When visiting your weblog I always try to find differences between Japan and the Netherlands. Strangely your photo's, except for the Japanese writing, look like they could have been taken here or near in Europe.
We do not have the electricity wires, but in Belgium and France you see them often. The ground here is very soft, so cables can be put underground.
The sky with planes is very familiar for us. We live under a very busy airway routes (to the UK and South Europe).
Kind regards,